ENIGMA-Epilepsy Logo

About the ENIGMA Consortium

The ENIGMA Consortium is an international effort by leaders worldwide. The Consortium brings together researchers in imaging genomics, neurology and psychiatry, to understand brain structure and function, based on MRI, DTI, fMRI, genetic data and many patient populations.

ENIGMA Consortium Logo

ENIGMA-Epilepsy Mission

As the ENIGMA Epilepsy Working Group, we are dedicated to improving our understanding of in vivo neuroanatomical disruptions in people with epilepsy compared to healthy individuals in the general population. The consortium's co-chairs include Professor Sisodiya (UCL, UK), and Professor Carrie McDonald (UCSD, USA).

Research Areas



Current statistics on ENIGMA: Dynamic ENIGMA-Epilepsy Summary Dashboard Current ENIGMA-Epilepsy sites

Contact Us

If your group is interested in contributing towards ENIGMA-Epilepsy, please contact Professor Carrie McDonald (camcdonald@ucsd.edu) and Professor Sanjay Sisodiya (s.sisodiya@ucl.ac.uk).